Iniesta attacked rlby les: holding the chairman’s position, tarnishing the national football Image

Live broadcast, August 27 News Spanish legendary star Iniesta tweeted today, bombarding Spanish football association president rlby Les.

Iniesta said: “After what happened this week, as a person, as a father of three daughters, as a husband and as a football player, I want to express my sadness for the events that our football team and the Spanish women’s football team have experienced.”

“I don’t think we can tolerate these behaviors we have seen, which tarnished such a great milestone as winning the World Cup. Seeing that people are not discussing the performance of the national team in the World Cup or the wonderful football of the national team, I can’t imagine how all the players feel now. It is really a pity that the beautiful stories built by so many players have been tarnished over the years.”

“On the contrary, we have to endure a chairman who holds his position and does not admit that his behavior is unacceptable, he is damaging the image of our country and our football in the world.”

(Goblin killer)

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